Friday, April 8, 2011

King of the Mountain

We live on Old Green Mountain Road which runs along the ridge of Green Mountain. It is a tiny mountain compared to the Blue Ridge Mountains just west of us. In fact, it really seems more like a big hill. Anyway, seeing this photo that Austyn took reminds me of the Mountain, as the kid goats climb upon Mount Holly and playfully slide down her slopes.

Spring is in full swing. I have decided to make "permanent" bed 3'x15' in the garden using the "Lasagna Garden" style. This is great because it eliminates tilling. Each bed or mound will have organic matter added to it throughout the growing season to reduce weeds, conserve moisture and add nutrients to the soil. In the fall, I will layer leaves/manure/old hay on each bed to allow for slow composting over the winter months. I have completed 8 beds. Planted the potatoes in a large patch instead of the mounds, because a lot of the soil has eroded down the hill in that section of the garden. After the potatoes are harvested we'll have soil delivered.

We have the cutest pigs ever. Here's a favorite picture of one piglet after enjoying some broken eggs. Notice the yolk stains on the face of this contented little "Babe". This photo is a testimony to the fact that Bessette-raised pigs live a completely stress-free life! If you look really closely, you may see Charlotte spinning a web that says "Some Pig"! I know everyone is familiar with that story...but if you have never read Charlotte's Web by E.B.White you are missing out on a great family read-aloud.

One of our dear neighbors has a very successful small animal farm. She has several Great Pyrenees to protect her herds. The oldest, semi-retired dog is named Badger. He is a big stature as well as heart. He has always loved children and often comes to visit us dragging his aging body about a half mile to see HIS kids. He is old and stiff. Yesterday morning as I went out the basement door to start chores, our own two dogs (Gus and Loretta) ran down the hill to greet me. They were jumping and wrestling each other, rolling around under my feet (I'm convinced they were trying to trip me). Suddenly Badger appeared. He wanted in on the fun. This old guy began leaping and wagging along with Gus and Loretta. He looked so happy... I'm sure he was smiling! What a good dog!

In other news, everything is growing!