Thursday, July 29, 2010

Surely, the presence of the Lord in is this place...

We used to sing a song in our little church in Esmont, that went "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place, I can feel His mighty power and his grace"
I am reminded of this song, as I look at some of the pictures my children have taken while just "hanging out" here at the farm. They take my breath away and I think to this really where we live?

It is rare to see a "boring" sunset from our west-facing balcony. The colors, clouds, hills and trees are an ever-present reminder of the beauty that God has created for us to enjoy as we journey through this life here on earth.

In the morning, the fog/mist rises up from Hog Creek, above the cedars, clearing the way for a fresh new day. It reminds me of the scripture that tells us "His mercies are new every morning". As a person with a BS in Biology, I look at the magnificence, order and beauty of things in nature. I have a hard time coming up with a "hypothesis" other than "God as creator" to explain the source of these wonders.

As a farmer, I realize how well-designed a simple seed is...exploding into a giant sunflower in just a matter of months.
I watch a calf being born and the mother-cow's built-in knowledge of how to care for her new calf...with no books to study, no "mentor" to teach her?

I also realize how dependent we are on the intricate systems that the Creator, God, has put in place to sustain life. Every day, the sun rises. Every night, it gets dark. Animals are born, animals die. Every season comes and goes. Order. Our God is a God of order, not chaos. Our God is a God of beauty. Now, I am sure that there are some places on Earth that would be considered more beautiful than Bessette Farm, but I am still blown away at the beauty we experience each day here....surely the presence of the Lord is in this place!

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